our research, learning and innovation agenda
Alongside our research, the impact collaborations and other activities, the Observatory convenes and contributes to dialogues that help to guide its agenda, build partnerships and influence the actions of policy, research and practitioner communities.
In April 2022, our first face to face community of practice meeting in Nairobi, Kenya was key to framing our wider agenda and priorities. The second meeting took place in May 2023, again in Kenya. The third meeting took place in May 2024.
In August 2024, we held a project workshop on ‘anticipatory action in the drylands: exploring key challenges and opportunities for early warning in pastoralist contexts‘. Read a summary.
In May 2024, we held a project workshop on ‘breaking down silos: towards effective integration of resilience and humanitarian aid in the Horn of Africa‘. Read a summary.
In February 2024, we co-organized a workshop on ‘policy disconnects and their effects on pastoralists in Eastern Africa’ with the Center for Research and Development in the Drylands and the Feinstein International Center of Tufts University. Read a summary
During 2022, we joined with partners to convene a series of virtual mini-dialogues to explore potential issues that should be on the Observatory agenda.
- The definition and timing of anticipatory action to food crises in East Africa: do they matter? View or Download a summary brief.
- Enablers and blockers for effective anticipatory action against food crises in East African drylands. View or Download a summary brief.
- Data-driven early warning, prediction and analysis for coordinated/directed food security action in East Africa’s drylands. View or Download a summary brief
- Integrating community-based knowledge to advance early warning and anticipatry action on food security in drylands of the Horn of Africa. View or Download a summary brief.
- Livestock as pathways to food-secure and resilient livelihoods and ecosystems in climate-vulnerable drylands of the Horn of Africa. View or Download a summary brief.
- Enhancing drought prediction, preparation and response, and climate resilience in dry areas: The scope for more and better livestock data. View the summary.
- De-risking, financial security and safety nets for more resilient and food-secure communities in the drylands of the Horn of Africa. View or Download a summary brief.