The 4th PLS in December agreed game-changing actions for kenya’s pastoralist communities
Jameel Observatory focus on pastoralist prosperity at COP16 Riyadh
In Riyadh we discussed pathways to pastoralist prosperity, resilience and food security
Photovoice project shows pastoralist perspectives on prosperity and resilience
Young pastoralists in northern Kenya illustrate opportunities and challenges of camel keepers and producers
Re-thinking anticipatory action: Insights from the first Eastern Africa Dialogue Platform
Tahira Mohamed and George Tsitati reflect on anticipatory action as a disaster risk management approach
East Africa dialogue examines anticipatory action policies and practice
In October 2024, the Observatory co-sponsored the first Eastern Africa Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action
Scaling anticipatory action within wider resilience-building efforts
A June 2024 conference by Save the Children and partners outlines priority research and action on AA in East Africa.
Integrating humanitarian and resilience building programs for greater impact
On 7 May, our roundtable debated ways to link short-term humanitarian response with long-term resilience
Environmental roles and impacts of livestock – balanced evidence needed
Guyo Roba explores the roles of livestock in sub-Saharan Africa – saviours or villains?
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