Images of Pastoralism

Pathways to prosperity

East Africa’s drylands and rangelands sustain the livelihoods and food security of millions of pastoralists as well as the people in cities and towns that depend on their products.

Facing droughts and other uncertainties, they daily use tried and tested land, livestock and livelihood strategies  – pathways to prosperity – to manage shocks and build resilience against future risks.

These pages illustrate some of those strategies, with images and narratives of young pastoralists in northen Kenya as well as photos taken by Nick Danziger, a leading photojournalist.

In early December 2024, some of the photos were compiled in 10 thematic posters displayed at Kenya’s 4th Pastoralist Leadership Summit.

Visit the ‘photo exhibition’ and associated posters below

Images and posters from the photovoice participants on the following themes:

Reliable infrastructure

Inclusive value chains

Healthy animals

Productive livestock

Secure markets

Peace and security (poster)