At the end of September 2024, a team from Garissa University and the University of Edinburgh held a small curriculum design workshop in Nairobi.

Following discussions at our Dryland Futures Academy education framework development workshop and using the University of Edinburgh’s ABC learning design method, the team fleshed out hot topics relevant to pastoralism and drylands globally before zooming in on a set of specific pastoralism and planetary health topics relevant to the East Africa region, covering resource management; pastoralism and its sustainability; pastoralism and climate change; and risk analysis, prioritisation and response.

The team will next develop a short online course on Pastoralism and Planetary Health for East Africa Drylands to be co-delivered by both institutions. It will include broad and global perspectives of pastoralism, case studies from pastoral communities, cross-cutting themes, as well as models and frameworks that underpin pastoralism and food systems.

More information available from Dr Fiona Borthwick at the University of Edinburgh (

Download the Dryland Futures Academy Education Framework

This work was co-funded  by the Observatory and by the University of Edinburgh Africa Partnership Fund.